
Rodanco celebrates 10 years of chemistry with precision

Company’s anniversary marks the beginning of the next stage in creating true added value

is June, Rodanco B.V. will enter its eleventh year of existence. From its founding in 2004, their goal was to meet the increasing demand by the European market to provide niche products and services with regard to fuel oil additives and oilfield process chemicals. Since that time, their e orts to become a major player in the fuel oil additives and oilfield process chemicals market have borne fruit.

Over the past ten years, Rodanco evolved steadily, as they more than doubled their product portfolio, expanded their cargo treatment services as well as their activities from the Benelux area to increasingly more European countries. And it doesn’t stop there: only last year, Rodanco acquired a new high-end laboratory at the prestigious Amsterdam Science Park to both facilitate their product development aspirations and secure the highest quality level for their products and services. is excellent example of Rodanco’s incessant commitment to quality is part of their strategy to achieving full ISO 9001 certification further on this year.

“These past ten years we experienced a wide range of challenges, some set-backs,  but also many small and bigger victories and steady growth both in terms of quantity and quality,” says Romeo Lachman, founder and CEO. “And though we are proud of what we achieved so far, we rather look to the future, as we feel like we have only just begun.”

Creating true added value for all stakeholders is in essence Rodanco’s main priority. In order to achieve this, the company is dedicated to improving their products, people and services in the years to come. Ensuring full customer satisfaction through the development, production and supply of top quality products comes with taking responsibility and creating verifiable quality. Meeting international quality, health and safety standards, as well as certifiable requirements constitute the framework for every future step of Rodanco.

For more information about Rodanco and their services, please contact us at